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Zeltplatz Lamaland

Ursprünglicher Zeltplatz wenige hundert Meter vom Strand entfernt mit einem Haufen Lamas und Alpakas als nächsten Nachbarn. Gerne können Sie auch einfach vorbeikommen und sich die Tiere anschauen.

At the homestead from 1929, Gitten and Michael have set up a primitive tent site on their 12 acres of land, which they have run poison- and manure-free for almost 20 years. From the tent site with a view of lovely meadows, the overnight guests have access to facilities such as toilet and fire pit with associated firewood.

The tent site is located a few hundred meters from the beach and the archipelago path.


Thirty years ago, Gitten and Michael bought their first llama, and since then, the llama and alpaca herd has grown larger and larger. Look past the stable and expand your knowledge of these lovely animals and their wool, and take a walk of 1.2 km along the Lamastien around the folds.

Bring the horse

At the tent site at Lamaland it is possible to bring your horse, it can be put on a fold and it is possible to ride in the area with a riding card to Tranekærskovene.

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